iyzico was founded in 2013 to provide online payment services and artificial intelligence-based payment technologies to businesses of various sizes in the world of e-commerce. By making the complex payment processes simple through its easy and secure platform, iyzico had achieved significant successes through supporting thousands of businesses in digitalization and was acquired by the global payment systems giant PayU in 2019. With such a robust structure, iyzico is operating on the principle of democratizing financial services and making them accessible for everyone alongside the services it provides to businesses.
Through iyzico Buyer Protection, consumers’ concerns regarding shopping online are resolved and better experiences are enabled. Control is handed back to the consumers by 24/7 live support through the iyzico mobile app and convenience in cancellation/returns processes. To this date, more than 2 million consumers shopped online under the security provided by iyzico Buyer Protection and this number is increasing daily. Via pay with iyzico, which is a blended payment solution, millions of consumers who do not use banking can safely shop online under the belt of iyzico Buyer Protection.
iyzico continues to simplify online shopping for both consumers and sellers by the simple, accessible, and innovative technologies it developed.
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Yasal düzenlemelerde kişisel verileri işlenen ilgili kişilere sağlanan haklardan kişisel veri işleme süreçleri, veri işlemenin amaçları, verilerin aktarıldığı kişiler hakkında bilgi talep etme; verilerin düzeltilmesini, silinmesini ve yok edilmesini talep etme; kullanılan hakların üçüncü kişilere de bildirilmesini isteme; otomatik sistemlerle yapılan işlemeler sonucu ortaya çıkan olumsuz sonuçlara itiraz etme ve işleme sebebiyle uğranan zararların tazminini talep etme hakları sikayet@iyzico.com adresine e-posta gönderilerek, veya +90 216 599 01 00 numaralı telefonla iyzico’ya ulaşılarak kullanılabilir.